Positive impact
Investing with an objective to achieve positive real outcome and impact, such as contributing to target provinces and countries Sustainable Development Goals. To keep the focus, we have-together with internal and external partners- prioritized five SDG topics where we expect to make the largest difference:
- Affordability
- Decent work and economic growth
- Responsible production and consumption
- Peace, justice and strong institutions
- Partnerships to achieve goals.
We are on a journey
We have a strong commitment to long-term investing and sustainable value creation. Sustainability is integrated throughout the organization and our investment activities as we keep innovating and advancing in our journey. We are convinced that focus on engagement in the long term will lead to the best results for our clients. We prefer inclusion over exclusion to more efficiently bring about change by working with partners; and we allocate capital towards sustainable projects to achieve positive real world impact.
ESG Integration
Ensuring sustainability risks and opportunities are adequately considered in our investment analysis and processes. When selecting external managers we assess their responsible investment policy and implementation capabilities. We base our criteria for responsible investment on the international conventions such as the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), in combination with the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the OECD Guidelines for multinational enterprises; environmental, social and corporate governance is at the core of our methodology.
Active Ownership
We proactively opt for a dialogue with the partners we invest in and with external fund managers. This dialogue or engagement, allows us to encourage companies to improve policies and practices in which specific ESG issues have been identified. We not only apply this to capital, we also apply an engagement approach for fixed income. We believe in the strength of collaborative engagement. Through cooperation with other investors, we can increase the leverage of our engagement activities.